Críticas de 'John Wick 4'

Crítica eCartelera

'John Wick 4', culmen de la acción de la saga, hace justicia con su insuperable clímax

'John Wick 4', culmen de la acción de la saga, hace justicia con su insuperable clímax

Por Berta F. del Castillo

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Es john wick

0010 abr 2023

Sin spoilers

Se aleja de todo tipo de chorradas. Va a lo que va. No engaña ni es pretenciosa. Hace lo que debe de hacer una peli. Entretener sin adoctrinarte.Leer más

Críticas de los medios

The Hollywood Reporter

Frank Scheck


Bigger, badder, bolder, longer, and featuring nearly more spectacular set pieces than one movie can comfortably handle, this epic action film practically redefines the stakes.

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The Wrap

Lena Wilson


Even when it drags ? 169 minutes is a lot of time to fill, even for this masterful crew ? the film gamely mixes comedy, action, and drama into one truly satisfying cocktail.

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The Guardian

Charles Bramesco


Those who appreciated the original for its brutal, sinewy agility have another thing coming: a lumbering, stultifying gargantua of a film willing to kill everything except its darlings.

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