Críticas de 'Out of Blue'

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Los Angeles Times

Justin Chang


Morley sustains a vibe of low-key Lynchian weirdness throughout, enough to keep your mind from wandering even as the investigation meanders this way and that. 

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The Hollywood Reporter

Leslie Felperin


Out of Blue is one of those films you're not sure if you really enjoyed viewing, but you're immensely glad that it exists, cheered to know the film industry still has room for maverick, boundary-smudging work like this.

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The Guardian

Peter Bradshaw


Es un lúgubre misterio casi negro ambientado en la actual Nueva Orleans, protagonizada por la carismática Patricia Clarkson como la detective Mike Hoolihan; una película que a veces parece hecha de papel, junto con capas de manierismo y pastiche, flotando como una secuencia de sueños de dos horas.

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Jessica Kiang


'Out of Blue' es, en todo momento, una mezcla entre interesante y bastante mala

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